
  PT SMR Utama

The company is currently operating a manganese ore mine located in the Kuatnana and Amanuban area in Nusa Tenggara Timur. The site is located about 165 km (150 km of provincial road and 15 km access road) Nort East of the city of Kupang, the provincial capital of Nusa Tenggara Timur. The site covers 4.550 Ha across 5 different villages.

The area has a huge potential of high grade manganese ore. The average Manganese content of the ore is 44% and above with low content of Ferro and any other minerals. The manganese quality is comparable to those found in Australia and above the average found in China.

Currently the company is continuing to build infrastructure and planning to complete its processing plan. The company target to double its output capacity by the end of 2012.